Friday at work we had a Halloween celebration for our kindergarten classes. The kids came to school dressed up in costumes and most of the staff dressed up also. Halloween in Korea is pretty nonexistent, but with the influx of Hagwons (private English schools) in Korea, Halloween is slowly creeping into the culture (or at least in the Seoul area).
The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves. In class we made Jack-o-lanterns, had a candy hunt, and played Halloween games. Towards the end of the day all the kids lined up in awkward lines and went room to room to "trick or treat" for what I thought was some of the crumbiest candy in the world. They were dumb sucking candies that my grandfather would have probably have passed out.
Over all the kids had a good time.
A few weeks ago one of the teachers on the 2nd floor had to leave back to the US because of family issues. Everyone has had to pick up either an extra class or extra students because of her leaving. Her departure has also left an empty room on the main floor, and because LCI is a business first and a school second; an empty room on the main floor is bad for business. My kindergarten class has been at LCI the longest and has a super grasp of the English language and because of that, they have decided to uproot us and move all of my classes to B Class. I don’t even know if the students have been notified of the classroom change. To be honest, this blows big time. It will be fine but the way administration went about the change is crappy. Enough about that, but you can tell there is a tad of bitterness.
On a positive note it is officially Fall here in Korea. Leaves are actually changing colors and falling to the floor. The other day I watched a woman rake a a ton of leaves into a big pile. I usually don't have impulse issues but as soon as I saw her finish and go back inside, I jump in the pile. It was awesome!
Here are some pictures of the coolest witches, ninjas, wizards, and princesses in Korea.
LCI Halloween
Listening to The Noisettes Atticus.
Tattoo Freeze in England
2 weeks ago